Recent Publications

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Book chapters & journal articles

FROHLICH, M., FIDELMAN, P., DUTTON, I., HAWARD, M., HEAD, B.W., MAYNARD, D., RISSIK, D., VINCE, J. 2023. A Network Approach to Analise Australia’s Blue Economy Policy and Legislative Arrangements. Marine Policy, 151: 105588; doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2023.105588

GALLO-CALIJAO, E., LIEBERMAN, S., DOLŠAK, N., PRAKASH, A., LABONTÉ, R., BIGGS, D., FRANKLIN, C., MORRISON, T.H., VIENS, A.M., FULLER, R.A., AGUIAR, R., FIDELMAN, P., WATSON, J.E. M., AENISHAENSLIN, C., WIKTOROWICZ, M. 2023. Global Governance for Pandemic Prevention and the Wildlife Trade. The Lancet Planetary Health, 7(4): e336-e345; doi: 10.1016/S2542-5196(23)00029-3

TURSCHWELL, M.P., BROWN, C.J., LACHARITÉ, M., MELBOURNE-THOMAS, J., HAYES, K.R., BUSTAMANTE, R.H., DAMBACHER, J.M., EVANS, K., FIDELMAN, P., MACDONALD, D.H., VAN PUTTEN, I., WOOD, G., ABDUSSAMIE, N., BATES, M., BLACKWELL, D., D’ALESSANDRO, S., DUTTON, I., ERICSON, J.A., FRID, C.L.J., MCDOUGALL, C., FULTON, E.A. 2023. Co-designing a Multi-Criteria Approach to Ranking Hazards to and from Australia’s Emerging Offshore Blue Economy. Environmental Science and Policy, (147): 154-168; doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2023.06.008

TURSCHWELL, M.P., FULTON, E.A., MELBOURNE-THOMAS, J., LACHARITÉ, M., HAYES, K.R., WOOD, G., EVANS, K., HATTON MACDONALD, D., DAMBACHER, J., BUSTAMANTE, R.H., ABBASSI, R., FIDELMAN, P., BROWN, C.J. 2023. A synthesis of Approaches to Support Integrated Assessments of Hazards for the Emerging Blue Economy. Marine Policy, 155: 105696; doi: 0.1016/j.marpol.2023.105696

FIDELMAN, P. 2022. Coral reefs: The case for ecological reflexivity, pp. 175-182. In: P. Harris (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Marine Governance and Global Environmental Change. Routledge, 342 p.

HARTLEY, S., TAITINGFONG, R., FIDELMAN, P. 2022. The Principles Driving Gene Drives for Conservation. Environmental Science and Policy, 135: 36-45; doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2022.04.021

FROLICH, M. F., SMITH, T. F., FIDELMAN, P., BALDWIN, C., JACOBSON, C., CARTER, R.W. 2022. Towards Adaptive Coastal Management Law: Lessons from Australia and Brazil. Ocean & Coastal Management, 219: 106057; doi: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2022.106057

FIDELMAN, P. 2021. Assessing Adaptive Capacity of Collaborative Governance Institutions, pp. 69-82. In: B. Siebenhüner and R. Djalante (eds.), Adaptiveness – Changing Earth System Governance. Cambridge University Press, 250p; doi: 10.1017/9781108782180.006

FROLICH, M. F., SMITH, T. F., FIDELMAN, P., BALDWIN, C., JACOBSON, C., CARTER, R.W. 2021. Legal Barriers to Adaptive Coastal Management at a Coastal Erosion Hotspot in Florianópolis, Brazil. Marine Policy, 127: 104436; doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2021.104436
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METZGER, J.P., FIDELMAN, P., SATTLER, C., SCHRÖTER, B., MARON, M., EIGENBROD, F., FORTIN, M.J., HOHLENWERGER, C., RHODES, J.R. 2021. Connecting Governance Interventions to Ecosystem Services Provision: A Social-ecological Network Approach. People and Nature, 3(2): 266-280; doi: 10.1002/pan3.10172
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GONÇALVES, L.R., FIDELMAN, P., TURRA, A., YOUNG, O. 2021. The Dynamics of Multiscale Institutional Complexes: The Case of the São Paulo Macrometropolitan Region. Environmental Management; 67(1): 109–118; doi: 10.1007/s00267-020-01379-1
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COSTA, M.D.P, GORDDARD, R., FIDELMAN, P., HELMSTEDT, K. ANTHONY, K., WILSON, K.A., BEYER, H.L. 2020. Linking social and biophysical systems to inform long-term, strategic management of coral reefs. Pacific Conservation Biology; doi: 10.1071/PC20002
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ANTHONY, K., HELMSTEDT, K., BAY, L., FIDELMAN, P., HUSSEY, K., LUNDGREN, P., MEAD, M., MCLEOD, I., MUMBY, P., NEWLANDS, M., SCHAFFELKE, B., WILSON, K., HARDISTY, P. 2020. Interventions to help coral reefs under climate change – a complex decision challenge. PLOS ONE; 15(8): e0236399; doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0236399
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FIDELMAN, P., McGRATH, C., NEWLANDS, M., DOBBS, K., JAGO. B., HUSSEY, K. 2019. Regulatory Implications of Coral Reef Restoration and Adaptation under a Changing Climate. Environmental Science and Policy, 100: 221-229; doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2019.04.016
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FREDUAH, G., FIDELMAN, P., SMITH, T. 2019. A Framework for Assessing Adaptive Capacity to Multiple Climatic and Non-climatic Stressors in Small-scale Fisheries. Environmental Science & Policy, 101: 87-93; doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2019.07.016
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FROLICH, M. F., SMITH, T. F., JACOBSON, C., FIDELMAN, P.,  CARTER, R.W., BALDWIN, C. 2019. Towards Adaptive Coastal Management: Lessons from a “Legal Storm” in Byron Shire, Australia. Ocean & Coastal Management, 179: 104909; doi: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2019.104909
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FIDELMAN, P.  2019. Climate Change in the Coral Triangle: Enabling Institutional Adaptive Capacity, pp. 274-289. In: P. Harris (ed.), Climate Change and Ocean Governance: Politics and Policy for Threatened Seas. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; doi: 10.1017/9781108502238.017
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BAKER, E., FIDELMAN, P., GONÇALVES, L.R., HARRIS, P., HOLLWAY, J., KIM, R. E., RICE, J., ALKHATLAN, A., MANGALAGIU, D. 2019. Ocean and Coastal Policy, pp. 349-367. In: United Nations Environment Program, Global Environment Outlook 6. Cambridge University Press; doi: 10.1017/9781108627146
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JACOB, K., KING, P., FIDELMAN, P., GONÇALVES, L.R., HOLLWAY, J., SEWERIN, S., CHENMIN, H. 2019. Policy Theory and Practice, pp. 283-297. In: United Nations Environment Program, Global Environment Outlook 6. Cambridge University Press; doi: 10.1017/9781108627146
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GALLO-CAJIAO, E., MORRISON, T.H., FIDELMAN, P., KARK, S., FULLER, R.A. 2019. Global Environmental Governance for Conserving Migratory Shorebirds in the Asia-Pacific. Regional Environmental Change; 19(4): 1113-1129; doi: 10.1007/s10113-019-01461-3
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FREDUAH, G.; FIDELMAN, P.; SMITH, T. 2019. Adaptive Capacity of Small-scale Coastal Fishers to Climate and Non-climate Stressors in the Western Region of Ghana. Geographical Journal; 185: 96-110; doi: 10.1111/geoj.12282
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NURSEY-BRAY, M., FIDELMAN, P., OWUSU, M. 2018. Does Co-management Facilitate Adaptive Capacity in Times of Environmental Change? Insights from Fisheries in Australia. Marine Policy, 96: 72-80; doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2018.07.016
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FROLICH, M., JACOBSON, C., FIDELMAN, P., SMITH, T. 2018. The Relationship between Adaptive Management of Social-Ecological Systems and Law: A Systematic Review. Ecology and Society, 23 (2): 23; doi: 10.5751/ES-10060-230223
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FREDUAH, G.; FIDELMAN, P.; SMITH, T. 2018. Mobilising Adaptive Capacity to Multiple Stressors: Insights from Small-Scale Coastal Fisheries in the Western Region of Ghana. Geoforum, 91: 61-72; doi: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2018.02.026
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Reports & other works

MAHER, R., AHMAD, M., FIDELMAN, P., FRANKS, D., FULLER, R., HYLAND, P., JUNIOR, P., KENWAY, S., LY, L., MOLYNEAUX, L., SHARMA, R., SIPE, N., SOCHACKA, B., SOCKHILL, N., WEBSTER-MANNISON, M. 2023. SM Bay City Sustainability Framework: Pathways for achieving sustainability outcomes in Manila Bay. Manila, The Philippines: SM Prime.

TURSCHWELL, M.P., BROWN, C.J., LACHARITÉ, M., MELBOURNE-THOMAS, J., HAYES, K.R., BUSTAMANTE, R.H., DAMBACHER, J.M., EVANS, K., FIDELMAN, P., HATTON MACDONALD, D., VAN PUTTEN, I., LYONS, P., MYNOTT, S., WOOD, G., ABBASSI, R., ABDUSSAMIE, N., BATES, M., BLACKWELL, D., D’ALESSANDRO, S., DUTTON, I., ERICSON, J., FRID, C., MCDOUGALL, C., LEA, M-A., RISSIK, D., TREBILCO, R., ABUNDO, M., FULTON, E.A. 2022. Risks & Opportunities for the Blue Economy, P.4.20.006 – Final Project Report. Blue Economy Cooperative Research Centre.

FROHLICH, M., FIDELMAN, P., DUTTON, I., HAWARD, M., HEAD, B.W., RISSIK, D. & VINCE, J. 2021. Mapping and Analysis of Blue Economy Policy and Legislative Arrangements 5.20.007 – Final Project Report. Blue Economy Cooperative Research Centre. Online.

FIDELMAN, P., SELAME, M., MARON, M. 2021. Key Evaluation Concepts (MERI Project). A report provided to the Queensland Department of Environment and Science.

SELAME, M. MARON, M., KEARNEY, S., FIDELMAN, P. 2021. Addition to Report B: logic for scaling from Program-level to State-wide outcomes, with example mapping of Program contributions to State-wide outcomes. A report provided to the Queensland Department of Environment and Science.

MARON, M., SELAME, M., FIDELMAN, P., SIMMONDS, J., KEARNEY, S. 2021. Report A: feedback/recommendations on MERI conceptual model. A report provided to the Queensland Department of Environment and Science.

LAUBENSTEIN, T., O’DONNELL, T., EVANS, K., FIDELMAN, P., FULTON, B., GILLANDERS, B., HARVEY, N., NAKATA, M., NORMAN, B., NURSEY-BRAY, M., THOM, B., SMITH, T. 2021. Sustainable Oceans and Coasts National Strategy 2021-2030. Canberra, Australia: Future Earth Australia & The Australian Academy of Science. Online.

HOCKINGS, M., JACOBSON, C., FIDELMAN, P., WATSON, J., HEAD, B. 2021. Parks Australia Management Effectiveness Framework: A National Guide to Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Improvement. A report provided to Parks Australia.

JACOBSON, C., HOCKINGS, M., WATSON, J., HEAD, B., FIDELMAN, P. 2021. Review of monitoring, evaluation and reporting approaches and outcomes in Parks Australia. A report provided to Parks Australia.

RISSIK, D., FIDELMAN, P., SHAW, J. 2021. Developing a policy and regulatory research plan for Australia’s emerging blue economy, 5.20.004 – Final Project Report. Blue Economy Cooperative Research Centre.

FIDELMAN, P., HARTLEY, S., MCCALMAN, C. LEDINGHAM, K., HUSSEY, K. 2020. Conservation gene drive governance in Australia. Workshop Report. The University of Queensland & University of Exeter.

FIDELMAN, P., NEWLANDS, M., DOBBS, K., JAGO, M., HUSSEY, K. 2019. Regulatory approvals for RRAP activities & developmental evaluation framework. A report provided to the Great Barrier Reef Foundation. 27 pp.

FIDELMAN, P., NEWLANDS, M., MCGRATH, C., HUSSEY, K. 2019. Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program: Regulatory Assessment Findings. A report provided to the Australian Government by the Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program. 45 pp.

FIDELMAN, P., NEWLANDS, M., MCGRATH, C., HUSSEY, K. 2019. Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program: Regulatory Framework. A report provided to the Australian Government from the Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program. 26 pp.

TAYLOR, B., HUSSEY, K., FIDELMAN, P., VELLA, K., MACLEAN, K., NEWLANDS, M., RITCHIE, B., LOCKIE, S., LACEY, J., MCGRATH, C., BARESI, U., BARBER, M., KOOPMAN, D. 2019. Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program: Engagement and Regulatory Dimensions. A report provided to the Australian Government by the Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program. 22pp.

MEAD, D., BAY, L.K., ANTHONY, K., HUSSEY, K., TAYLOR, B., FIDELMAN, P., MUMBY, P.J., HARRISON, D., GIBBS, M.T., DALY, J., BRYAN, S. 2019. Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program – research and development program. A report provided to the Australian Government from the Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program. 90 pp.

BEYER, H.L., COSTA, M.D.P., DAMBACHER, J., GODDARD, R., HELMSTEDT, K., WILSON, M., FIDELMAN, P., ANTHONY, K. & WILSON, K. 2019. Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program – technical process and detailed findings: decision support findings. A report provided to the Australian Government by the Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program. 93 pp

HUSSEY, K., YARNOLD, J., MCEWAN, C., MAHER, R., HENMAN, P., RADKE, A., CURTIS, C., FIDELMAN, P., VICKERS, C. AND BROLAN, C. 2019. Policy Futures: Regulating the New Economy, Issue 1.
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FIDELMAN, P. 2019. There’s a lot of bad news in the UN Global Environment Outlook, but a sustainable future is still possible. The Conversation; online.

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