Book chapters
FIDELMAN, P. 2022. Coral reefs: The case for ecological reflexivity, pp. 175-182. In: P. Harris (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Marine Governance and Global Environmental Change. Routledge, 342 p.
FIDELMAN, P. 2021. Assessing Adaptive Capacity of Collaborative Governance Institutions, pp. 69-82. In: B. Siebenhüner and R. Djalante (eds.), Adaptiveness – Changing Earth System Governance. Cambridge University Press, 250 p.; doi: 10.1017/9781108782180.006
FIDELMAN, P. 2019. Climate Change in the Coral Triangle: Enabling Institutional Adaptive Capacity, pp. 274-289. In: P. Harris (ed.), Climate Change and Ocean Governance: Politics and Policy for Threatened Seas. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; doi: 10.1017/9781108502238.017view/download
BAKER, E., FIDELMAN, P., GONÇALVES, L.R., HARRIS, P., HOLLWAY, J., KIM, R. E., RICE, J., ALKHATLAN, A., MANGALAGIU, D. 2019. Ocean and Coastal Policy, pp. 349-367. In: United Nations Environment Program, Global Environment Outlook 6. Cambridge University Press; doi: 10.1017/9781108627146view/download
JACOB, K., KING, P., FIDELMAN, P., GONÇALVES, L.R., HOLLWAY, J., SEWERIN, S., CHENMIN, H. 2019. Policy Theory and Practice, pp. 283-297. In: United Nations Environment Program, Global Environment Outlook 6. Cambridge University Press; doi: 10.1017/9781108627146view/download
BAKER, E., BOILEAU, P., FIDELMAN, P., RICE, J. 2019. Changing the Path We Are On, pp. 107-109. In: Bahurel, P. & C. Thomas-Courcoux, The Blue Book, Copernicus for a Sustainable Ocean. European Commission, Mercator Ocean International, 142 p.
SOUZA JR, W.C.; FIDELMAN, P.I.J. 2009. The Technopolitics of Water in Brazil, pp. 195-211. In: W. C. Ribeiro, Water Governance in Brazil: A Multidisciplinary Perspective. Annablumme, Sao Paulo. (A Tecnopolítica da Água no Brasil. In: W. C. Ribeiro (ed.), Governança da Água no Brasil: Uma Visão Interdisciplinar) ISBN 978-85-7419-927-6.view/download
FIDELMAN, P.I.J. 2008. Challenges to Decentralization of Watershed Management: The Case of New South Wales, Australia, pp. 170-184. In: S. V., Menon, & Pillai, P. A. (eds)., Watershed Management: Concepts and Experiences. The ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad. ISBN: 978-81-314-1943-4.view/download
Journal Papers
FROHLICH, M., FIDELMAN, P., DUTTON, I., HAWARD, M., HEAD, B.W., MAYNARD, D., RISSIK, D., VINCE, J. 2023. A Network Approach to Analise Australia’s Blue Economy Policy and Legislative Arrangements. Marine Policy, 151: 105588; doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2023.105588
GALLO-CALIJAO, E., LIEBERMAN, S., DOLŠAK, N., PRAKASH, A., LABONTÉ, R., BIGGS, D., FRANKLIN, C., MORRISON, T.H., VIENS, A.M., FULLER, R.A., AGUIAR, R., FIDELMAN, P., WATSON, J.E. M., AENISHAENSLIN, C., WIKTOROWICZ, M. 2023. Global Governance for Pandemic Prevention and the Wildlife Trade. The Lancet Planetary Health, 7(4): e336-e345; doi: 10.1016/S2542-5196(23)00029-3
TURSCHWELL, M.P., BROWN, C.J., LACHARITÉ, M., MELBOURNE-THOMAS, J., HAYES, K.R., BUSTAMANTE, R.H., DAMBACHER, J.M., EVANS, K., FIDELMAN, P., MACDONALD, D.H., VAN PUTTEN, I., WOOD, G., ABDUSSAMIE, N., BATES, M., BLACKWELL, D., D’ALESSANDRO, S., DUTTON, I., ERICSON, J.A., FRID, C.L.J., MCDOUGALL, C., FULTON, E.A. 2023. Co-designing a Multi-Criteria Approach to Ranking Hazards to and from Australia’s Emerging Offshore Blue Economy. Environmental Science and Policy, (147): 154-168; doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2023.06.008
TURSCHWELL, M.P., FULTON, E.A., MELBOURNE-THOMAS, J., LACHARITÉ, M., HAYES, K.R., WOOD, G., EVANS, K., HATTON MACDONALD, D., DAMBACHER, J., BUSTAMANTE, R.H., ABBASSI, R., FIDELMAN, P., BROWN, C.J. 2023. A synthesis of Approaches to Support Integrated Assessments of Hazards for the Emerging Blue Economy. Marine Policy, 155: 105696; doi: 0.1016/j.marpol.2023.105696
HARTLEY, S., TAITINGFONG, R., FIDELMAN, P. 2022. The Principles Driving Gene Drives for Conservation. Environmental Science and Policy, 135: 36-45; doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2022.04.021
FROLICH, M. F., SMITH, T. F., FIDELMAN, P., BALDWIN, C., JACOBSON, C., CARTER, R.W. 2022. Towards Adaptive Coastal Management Law: Lessons from Australia and Brazil. Ocean & Coastal Management, 219: 106057; doi: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2022.106057
FROLICH, M. F., SMITH, T. F., FIDELMAN, P., BALDWIN, C., JACOBSON, C., CARTER, R.W. 2021. Legal Barriers to Adaptive Coastal Management at a Coastal Erosion Hotspot in Florianópolis, Brazil. Marine Policy, 127: 104436; doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2021.104436view/download
METZGER, J.P., FIDELMAN, P., SATTLER, C., SCHRÖTER, B., MARON, M., EIGENBROD, F., FORTIN, M.J., HOHLENWERGER, C., RHODES, J.R. 2021. Connecting Governance Interventions to Ecosystem Services Provision: A Social-ecological Network Approach. People and Nature, 3(2): 266-280; doi: 10.1002/pan3.10172view/download
GONÇALVES, L.R., FIDELMAN, P., TURRA, A., YOUNG, O. 2021. The Dynamics of Multiscale Institutional Complexes: The Case of the São Paulo Macrometropolitan Region. Environmental Management; 67(1): 109–118; doi: 10.1007/s00267-020-01379-1view/download
COSTA, M.D.P, GORDDARD, R., FIDELMAN, P., HELMSTEDT, K. ANTHONY, K., WILSON, K.A., BEYER, H.L. 2020. Linking social and biophysical systems to inform long-term, strategic management of coral reefs. Pacific Conservation Biology; doi: 10.1071/PC20002view/download
ANTHONY, K., HELMSTEDT, K., BAY, L., FIDELMAN, P., HUSSEY, K., LUNDGREN, P., MEAD, M., MCLEOD, I., MUMBY, P., NEWLANDS, M., SCHAFFELKE, B., WILSON, K., HARDISTY, P. 2020. Interventions to help coral reefs under climate change – a complex decision challenge. PLOS ONE; 15(8): e0236399; doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0236399view/download
FIDELMAN, P., McGRATH, C., NEWLANDS, M., DOBBS, K., JAGO. B., HUSSEY, K. 2019. Regulatory Implications of Coral Reef Restoration and Adaptation under a Changing Climate. Environmental Science and Policy, 100: 221-229; doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2019.04.016view/download
FREDUAH, G., FIDELMAN, P., SMITH, T. 2019. A Framework for Assessing Adaptive Capacity to Multiple Climatic and Non-climatic Stressors in Small-scale Fisheries. Environmental Science & Policy, 101: 87-93; doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2019.07.016view/download
FROLICH, M. F., SMITH, T. F., JACOBSON, C., FIDELMAN, P., CARTER, R.W., BALDWIN, C. 2019. Towards Adaptive Coastal Management: Lessons from a “Legal Storm” in Byron Shire, Australia. Ocean & Coastal Management, 179: 104909; doi: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2019.104909view/download
GALLO-CAJIAO, E., MORRISON, T.H., FIDELMAN, P., KARK, S., FULLER, R.A. 2019. Global Environmental Governance for Conserving Migratory Shorebirds in the Asia-Pacific. Regional Environmental Change; 19(4): 1113-1129; doi: 10.1007/s10113-019-01461-3view/download
FREDUAH, G.; FIDELMAN, P.; SMITH, T. 2019. Adaptive Capacity of Small-scale Coastal Fishers to Climate and Non-climate Stressors in the Western Region of Ghana. Geographical Journal; 185: 96-110; doi: 10.1111/geoj.12282view/download
NURSEY-BRAY, M., FIDELMAN, P., OWUSU, M. 2018. Does Co-management Facilitate Adaptive Capacity in Times of Environmental Change? Insights from Fisheries in Australia. Marine Policy, 96: 72-80; doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2018.07.016view/download
FROLICH, M., JACOBSON, C., FIDELMAN, P., SMITH, T. 2018. The Relationship between Adaptive Management of Social-Ecological Systems and Law: A Systematic Review. Ecology and Society, 23 (2): 23; doi: 10.5751/ES-10060-230223view/download
FREDUAH, G.; FIDELMAN, P.; SMITH, T. 2018. Mobilising Adaptive Capacity to Multiple Stressors: Insights from Small-Scale Coastal Fisheries in the Western Region of Ghana. Geoforum, 91: 61-72; doi: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2018.02.026view/download
FIDELMAN, P.; TUYEN, T. V.; NONG, K.; NURSEY-BRAY. 2017. The Institutions-Adaptive Capacity Nexus: Insights from Coastal Resources Co-Management in Cambodia and Vietnam. Environmental Science and Policy, 76:103-112; doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2017.06.018view/download
FREDUAH, G.; FIDELMAN, P.; SMITH, T. 2017. The Impacts of Environmental and Socio-economic Stressors on Small-scale Fisheries and Livelihoods of Fishers in Ghana. Applied Geography, 89: 1-11; doi: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2017.09.009view/download
KIM, M.K.; EVANS, L.; FIDELMAN, P.; SCHERL, L.M.; VALENTINE, P.; MARSH, H. 2017. Structural Factors Influencing Conservation Decision-making: A Case of Species Prioritisation in Australia. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 60(11): 1923-1943; doi: 10.1080/09640568.2016.1268107view/download
SIMÕES, E.; SOUSA JUNIOR, W.C.; de FREITAS, D. M.; MILLS, M.; IWAMA, A. Y.; GONÇALVES, I.; OLIVATO, D.; FIDELMAN, P. 2017. Barriers and Opportunities for Adapting to Climate Change on the North Coast of São Paulo, Brazil. Regional Environmental Change, 17(6): 1739-1750; doi:10.1007/s10113-017-1133-5view/download
LYTH, A.; BALDWIN, C.; DAVIDSON, A.; FIDELMAN, P.; BOOTH, K.; OSBORNE, C. 2017. Valuing Third Sector Sustainability Organisations: Qualitative Contributions to Systemic Social Transformation. Local Environment, 22(1): 1-21; doi: 10.1080/13549839.2016.1149457view/download
SOUSA JUNIOR, W.C.; BALDWIN, C.; CAMKIN, J.; FIDELMAN, P.; SILVA, O.; NETO, S.; SMITH, T. 2016. Water: Drought, Crisis and Governance in Australia and Brazil. Water, 8(11): 493; doi: 10.3390/w8110493view/download
OGIER, E. M.; DAVIDSON, J.; FIDELMAN, P.; HAWARD, M.; HOBDAY, A.; HOLBROOK, N.; HOSHINO, E.; PECL, G. 2016. Fisheries Management Approaches as Platforms for Climate Change Adaptation: Comparing Theory and Practice in Australian Fisheries. Marine Policy, 71: 82-93; doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2016.05.014.view/download
FIDELMAN, P.; TUYEN, T. V.; NONG, K.; NURSEY-BRAY, M.; KEO, P.; OWUSU, M. 2016. Adaptive Capacity of Coastal Resource Management Institutions in Cambodia, Vietnam and Australia. APN Science Bulletin; 16: 27-33.view/download
EVANS, L.; HICKS, C.; ADGER, W.; BARNETT, J.; PERRY, A.; FIDELMAN, P.; TOBIN, R. 2016. Structural and Psycho-social Limits to Climate Change Adaptation in the Great Barrier Reef Region. PLoS ONE 11(3): e0150575, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0150575.view/download
CINNER, J. E.; PRATCHETT, M. S.; GRAHAM, N. A. J.; MESSMER, V.; FUENTES, M. M. P. B.; AINSWORTH, T.; BAN, N. C.; BAY, L. K.; BLYTHE, J. L.; DISSARD, D.; DUNN, S.; EVANS, L. S.; FABINYI, M.; FIDELMAN, P.; FIGUEIREDO, J.; FRISCH, A. J.; FULTON, C. J.; HICKS, C. C.; LUKOSCHEK, V.; MALLELA, J.; MOYA, A.; PENIN, L.; RUMMER, J. L.; WALKER, S.; WILLIAMSON, D. H. A. 2016. Framework for Understanding Climate Change Impacts on Coral Reef Social-Ecological Systems. Regional Environmental Change, 16 (4): 1133-1146; doi: 10.1007/s10113-015-0832-zview/download
TREML, E.A.; FIDELMAN, P.; KININMONTH, S.; EKSTROM, J.; BODIN, O. 2015. Analyzing the (Mis)fit between Institutional and Ecological Networks of the Indo-West Pacific. Global Environmental Change, 31: 263-271; doi: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2015.01.012view/download
FIDELMAN, P.; EVANS, L.; FOALE, S.; WEIBLE, C.; VON HELAND, F.; ELGIN, D. 2014. Coalition Cohesion for Regional Marine Governance: A Stakeholder Analysis of the Coral Triangle Initiative. Ocean & Coastal Management, 95: 117-128; doi: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2014.04.001view/download
FIDELMAN, P. 2014. Climate Change Adaptation in the Great Barrier Reef Iconic National Park System. The George Wright Forum, 31(3): 270-279view/download
VON HELAND, F.; CRONA, B.; FIDELMAN, P. 2014. Mediating Science and Action across Multiple Boundaries in the Coral Triangle. Global Environmental Change, 29: 53-64; doi: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2014.08.003view/download
FIDELMAN, P.I.J.; LEITCH, A.M.; NELSON, D.R. 2013. Unpacking Multilevel Adaptation to Climate Change in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Global Environmental Change, 23(4): 800-812; doi: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2013.02.016view/download
EVANS, L.; HICKS, C.; FIDELMAN, P.; TOBIN, R.; PERRY, A. 2013. Future Scenarios as a Research Tool: Investigating Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation Options and Outcomes for the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Human Ecology, 41(6): 841-857; doi: 10.1007/s10745-013-9601-0view/download
FOALE, S.; ADHURI, D.; ALLISON, E.H.; ANDREW, N.; ALINO, P.; COHEN, P.; EVANS, L.; FABINYI, M.; FIDELMAN, P.; GREGORY, C.; STACEY, N; TANZER, J.; WEERATUNGE, N. 2013. Food Security and the Coral Triangle Initiative. Marine Policy, 38: 174-183; doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2012.05.033view/download
FIDELMAN, P.; EKSTROM, J. 2012. Mapping Seascapes of International Environmental Arrangements in the Coral Triangle. Marine Policy, 36(5): 993-1004; doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2012.02.006view/download
FIDELMAN, P.; EVANS, L.; FABINYI, M.; FOALE, S.; CINNER, J.; ROSEN, F. 2012. Governing Large-Scale Marine Commons: Contextual Challenges in the Coral Triangle. Marine Policy, 36(1): 42-53; doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2011.03.007view/download
CINNER, J. E. ; BASURTO, X.; FIDELMAN, P.; KUANGE, J.; LAHARI, R.; MUKMININ, A. 2012. Institutional Designs of Customary Fisheries Management Arrangements in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Mexico. Marine Policy, 36(1): 278-285; doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2011.06.005view/download
THOMAS, M.; KING, D.; FIDELMAN, P. 2012. Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Cities: Insights from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses, 3(2): 107-128.view/download
GRAHAM, N.; AINSWORTH, T.; BAIRD, A.; BAN, N.C.; BAY, L.K.; CINNER, J. E.; DE FREITAS, D. M.; DIAZ-PULIDO, G.; DORNELAS, M.; DUNN, S.R.; FIDELMAN, P.I.J.; FORET, S.; GOOD, T. C.; KOOL, J.; MALLELA, J.; PENIN, L.; PRACHETT, M.S.; WILLIAMSON, D. H. 2011. From Microbes to People: Tractable Benefits of No-take Areas for Coral Reefs. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review. 49, 105-136.view/download
FIDELMAN,P.I.J. 2005. A Contribution to the Mitigation of Impacts from the Aquatic Macrophyte Eichhornia crassipes on the Coastal Zone of Southern Bahia, Brazil (Contribuição para Mitigação dos Impactos da Macrófita Aquática Eichhornia crassipes Sobre a Zona Costeira da Região Sul da Bahia). Revista de Gestão Costeira Integrada para Países de Língua Portuguesa, 4(3): online, view/download
FIDELMAN, P.I.J. 2002. A Diagnostic Approach for Integrated Coastal Management (Diagnóstico Ambiental como Subsídio ao Gerenciamento Costeiro Integrado). Gerenciamento Costeiro Integrado, 2: 25-26.view/download
FIDELMAN, P.I.J. 2001. Santana River Mangroves, Ilhéus (Bahia, Brazil): Characterisation of the System (Manguezais do Rio Santana, Ilhéus, Bahia: Caracterização do Sistema). Revista de Estudos Ambientais, 3(1): 86-94.view/download
Conference papers/extended abstracts
FIDELMAN, P. 2018. Implications of Large-Scale Marine Governance for Institutional Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change. 25th World Congress of Political Science, Brisbane, Australia, 21-25 July 2018. 19p.
FIDELMAN, P.; TUYEN, T. V.; NONG, K.; NURSEY-BRAY, M. 2016. Institutional Adaptive Capacity of Coastal Resources Co-management in Cambodia and Vietnam. Australian Political Studies Association, Sydney, Australia, 21 pp.
FREDUAH, G.; FIDELMAN, P.; SMITH, T. 2014. Small-Scale Fisheries in Western and Central Africa: A Systematic Review of Climate Stressors and Response Strategies. Second World Small-Scale Fisheries Congress, Merida, Mexico, 7 pp.
THOMAS, M.; KING, D.; FIDELMAN, P. 2012. Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Cities along the Great Barrier Reef. Practical Responses to Climate Change Conference, Canberra, Australia, 10p.
AZEVEDO, V.G.; FIDELMAN, P. 2011. The North Coast of São Paulo Seabob Shrimp Fishery as a Social-Ecological System. V Simposio Brasileiro de Oceanografia, Santos, Brazil.view/download
FIDELMAN, P.; LEITCH, A.2010. Climate Change Adaptation and Multilevel Governance in the Great Barrier Reef. NCCARF Climate Change Adaptation & Governance Workshop, Sydney, Australia, 13 pp.view/download
FIDELMAN, P.I.J. 2008. Democratic Decentralization of Environmental Governance: Insights from Catchment Management in Australia. UNITAR-Yale Conference on Environmental Governance and Democracy, New Haven, USA, 17 pp.view/download
FIDELMAN, P.I.J. 2006. Watershed Management in New South Wales, Australia: A Case of Constrained Decentralisation? 11th Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property (IASCP), Bali, Indonesia.view/download
FIDELMAN, P.I.J., MORRISON, J. & WEST, R. 2005. Development of Watershed Management in New South Wales, Australia: A Coastal Perspective. Coastal Zone 05, New Orleans, USA.view/download
FIDELMAN, P.I.J., MORRISON, R. J.; WEST, R. 2004. Catchment Management Planning in Coastal Areas: Some Preliminary Insights from New South Wales, Australia. Proceedings of the Coastal Zone Asia Pacific Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 221-226.view/download
FIDELMAN, P.I.J., MORRISON, R. J.; WEST, R. 2004. Coastal Issues in Regional Natural Resource Management Plans: The Case of the New South Wales Catchment Blueprints. Coast to Coast 04 Conference, Hobart, Australia.view/download
FIDELMAN, P.I.J. 2000. Legal Aspects of the Protection of Mangroves in the Municipality of Ilhéus, Bahia (Aspectos Legais da Proteção do Ecossistema Manguezal e a Realidade no Município de Ilhéus, Bahia). XIII Semana Nacional de Oceanografia, Itajaí, Brazil, p. 9-11.view/download
FIDELMAN, P.I.J. 1999. Man-Induced Disturbances in the Santana River Estuary System, Ilhéus, Bahia (Impactos Causados por Tensores de Origem Antrópica no Sistema Estuarino do Rio Santana, Ilhéus, Bahia). XII Semana Nacional de Oceanografia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. p. 405-407.view/download
FIDELMAN, P.I.J. 1999. Environmental Impacts: Mangroves in the Urban Zone of Ilhéus (Bahia, Brazil) (Impactos Ambientais: Manguezais da Zona Urbana de Ilhéus, Bahia, Brasil). VIII Congreso Latinoamericano Sobre Ciencias del Mar, Trujillo, Peru. Tome II, p. 843-844.view/download
FIDELMAN, P.I.J. & COSTA, C.S.B. 1999. Analysis of the Methods for Calculating Net Primary Production in Salt Marshes Dominated by Scirpus maritimus (Análise dos Métodos para Cálculo de Produção Primária Líquida (PPL) em Marismas Dominadas por Scirpus maritimus). VII Congresso Nordestino de Ecologia, Ilhéus: Editus, p. 216-217.view/download
Conference abstracts
FOSTER, R., SHUMWAY, N., FIDELMAN, P. 2022. Governing marine cloud brightening: Challenges and recommendations. 8th Frontiers in Environmental Law Colloquium, Macquarie University, New Zealand Centre for Environmental Law, the University of Auckland and the Global Network for Human Rights and the Environment.
GONCALVES, L.R., FIDELMAN, P., TURRA, A. 2019. An institutional interplay perspective to multi-level governance: The case of the São Paulo Macro-metropolitan region. Oaxaca Earth System Governance Conference, Mexico.
FIDELMAN, P.; MCGRATH, C., NEWLANDS, M.; HUSSEY, K. 2019. The Role of Regulation in Restoring Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. 5th Frontiers in Environmental Law Colloquium, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia.
FIDELMAN, P.; NEWLANDS, M.; MCGRATH, C., HUSSEY, K. 2018. The Role of Regulation in Restoring Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. Reef Futures 2018: A Coral Restoration and Intervention-Science Symposium, Key Largo, Florida.
STEINER, A.; FIDELMAN, P.; MARQUES, S.; SILVA, A. M. 2018. Implementing the Aichi Biodiversity Target 11 for Coastal and Marine Areas: Insights from Australia and Brazil. 25th World Congress of Political Science, Brisbane, Australia.
HUSSEY, K.; NEWLANDS, M.; FIDELMAN, P.; MCGRATH, C. 2018. Scoping Regulatory, Institutional and Governance Implications of Reef Restoration and Adaptation Interventions. Great Barrier Reef Restoration Symposium, Cairns, Australia
TREML, E. A.; FIDELMAN, P.; KININMONTH, S.; EKSTROM, J.; BODIN, O. 2017. Geopolitical (Mis)Alignment between Ecological Corridors and Political Partnerships across a Regional Social-Ecological System. Resilience 2017, Stockholm, Sweden.
GALLO-CAJIAO, E.; MORRISON, T.; FIDELMAN, P.; FULLER, R. 2017. Conserving Migratory Shorebirds across Borders. Arctic Migratory Bird Initiative (AMBI) East Asian-Australasian Flyway Workshop, Singapore.
FIDELMAN, P.; TUYEN, T. V.; NONG, K.; NURSEY-BRAY, M. 2016. Institutional Adaptive Capacity of Coastal Resource Management in Cambodia and Vietnam. Australian Political Studies Association (APSA) Conference, Sydney, Australia.
TREML, E.A.; FIDELMAN, P.; KININMONTH, S.; EKSTROM, J.; BODIN, O. 2016. The Geopolitical (Mis)Alignment of Dispersal Corridors and Political Partnerships across the Indo-West Pacific. Society for Conservation Biology 4th Oceania Congress, Brisbane, Australia.
FIDELMAN, P.; TUYEN, T.V.; NONG, K; NURSEY-BRAY, M.; KEO, P.; OWUSUET, M. 2015. Assessing Adaptive Capacity of Coastal Resources Governance in Cambodia, Vietnam and Australia. Canberra Earth System Governance Conference, Canberra, Australia.
FIDELMAN, P.; BOHENSKY, E.; GOOCH, M.; LEITCH, A.; MARSHALL, N.; SUTTON, S.; TOBIN, R. 2013. Revisiting Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation in the Great Barrier Reef. NCCARF Climate Adaptation Conference, Sydney, Australia.
THOMSEN, D.C.; NURSEY-BRAY, M.; R W CARTER, R.W.; STEPHENSON, C.; JACOBSON, C.; FIDELMAN, P.; SMITH, T.F. 2012. Adaptive Learning Toolkit: an online resource for improving the practice of coastal organisations. Coast to Coast Conference 2012, Brisbane, Australia.
JACOBSON, C.; THOMSEN, D.C.; NURSEY-BRAY, M.; R W CARTER, R.W.; STEPHENSON, C.; FIDELMAN, P.; SMITH, T.F. 2012. An Evaluation Framework to Facilitate Adaptive Learning in Coastal Organisations. Coast to Coast Conference 2012, Brisbane, Australia.
EVANS, L.; FIDELMAN, P.; HICKS, C.; MORGAN, C.; PERRY, A.; TOBIN, R. 2012. Scoping Social Limits to Climate Change Adaptation in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns, Australia.
FIDELMAN, P.; EVANS, L.; HICKS, C.; LEITCH, A.; NELSON, D.; PERRY, A.; TOBIN, R. 2012. Multi-sector Climate Change Adaptation in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. 2012 National Adaptation Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
KIM, M.K.; FIDELMAN, P.; SCHERL, L.M.; VALENTINE, P.; MARSH, H. 2011. Integration of Species Prioritization into Marine Conservation Efforts in Queensland. Third Annual Australian National Network in Marine Science (ANNIMS) Conference 2011, Perth, Australia.
FIDELMAN, P.; EKSTROM, J.; THIRIET, D.; BOSIGER, Y. 2011. Navigating Multilateral Governance in the Coral Triangle. Resilience 2011, Tempe, USA.
FIDELMAN, P.; LEITCH, A.; NELSON, D. R.; HUGHES, T. 2010. Adapting to Climate Change at Multiple Governance Levels: Insights from Australia. 2010 International Climate Change Adaptation Conference, Gold Coast, Australia.
FIDELMAN, P. & HUGHES, T. 2009. Environmental Governance in the Coral Triangle: Towards a Complex Commons Approach. Amsterdam Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
FIDELMAN, P.I.J. 2003. Linking Land Use Change to Coastal Conditions: A Case Study from Southern Bahia, Brazil. 1st International Young Scientists’ Global Change Conference, Trieste, Italy, p. 17. view/download
FIDELMAN, P.I.J. 2003. Towards a Catchment-To-Coast Approach: Analysis of Natural Resources Management in the Coastal Zone. Research Student Day, University of Wollongong, Australia, p. 94.
SANTOS, P. S., CAMPOS, D. O., ARAUJO, M., FIDELMAN, P. I. J., MARQUES, A. C. 2003. Characterisation of the Almada River Mangroves (Caracterização dos Manguezais do Rio Almada, Ilhéus, Bahia). XXIX Congresso Brasileiro de Ciência do Solo, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil.
FIDELMAN. P.I.J. 2002. Towards an Integrated Watershed Approach: Potential Effects of the Changing Land Use Pattern on the Mid-Southern Coast of Bahia, Brazil. Managing Shared Waters – Coastal Zone Canada 2002, Hamilton, Canada.
FIDELMAN, P.I.J. 2001. Toward an Integrated Coastal Management – Environmental Assessment of Santana River’s Mangroves, Ilhéus (Bahia, Brazil). Proceedings of the 12th Biennial Coastal Zone Conference, Cleveland, OH, USA.
FIDELMAN, P.I.J. 2000. Capacity Building and Stakeholders Participation: Challenges for Coastal Stewardship in Ilhéus (Bahia, Brazil). Coastal Zone Canada 2000, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada. p. 82.
FIDELMAN, P.I.J. 2000. Integration Between Development and Environment – A Key Issue in Coastal Stewardship. Coastal Zone Canada 2000 Conference, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada, p. 284.
FIDELMAN, P.I.J. 2000. Coastal Ecosystems in Urban Situation: Estuaries and Mangroves in Ilhéus (Bahia, Brazil). Mangrove 2000 Conference, Recife, Brazil.
SCHAEFFER-NOVELLI, Y.; CUNHA-LIGNON, M.; PORTUGAL, A.M.M.; FIDELMAN, P.; SPÖRL, A.; CARVALHO, E.A.; SILVA, A.B.; SPÖRL,C.; PELEGRINI, J.A.C.; CORRÊA, F.M.; ROCHA, A.J.S.; LEAL, M.C.J.; RACHID, B.R.F.; COELHO, B.P.E; NOVAES, D.M. & POCHUETI, V.D. 2000. Mangroves and Coastline Physiography (Manguezais e a Fisiografia da Linha de Costa), V Simpósio de Ecossistemas Brasileiros, Vitória, Brazil, p. 260.
FIDELMAN, P.I.J. & COSTA, C.S.B. 1995. Production and Loss of Scirpus maritimus Biomass in the Pólvora Island Ecomuseum, Southern Brazil (Produção e Desaparecimento da Biomasa de Scirpus maritimus no Ecomuseu da Ilha da Pólvora, RS). VIII Semana Nacional de Oceanografia, Rio Grande, Brazil.
DIB, RR; ZANELLA, J.F.J.F.; FIDELMAN, P.I.J.; ASMUS, M.L. 1995. Decay of Spartina alterniflora in an Irregularly Flooded Salt Marsh in the Pólvora Island Ecomuseum, Southern Brazil (Decomposição de Spartina alterniflora numa Marisma Irregularmente Alagada no Ecomuseu da Ilha da Pólvora, RS). VIII Semana Nacional de Oceanografia, Rio Grande, Brazil. p. 56.
FIDELMAN, P.I.J.; CUNHA, S.R.; & ASMUS, M.L. 1994. Seasonal Variation of Scirpus maritimus Biomass in the Patos Lagoon Estuarine Region, Southern Brazil (Variação Sazonal da Biomassa de Scirpus maritimus na Região Estuarina da Lagoa dos Patos, RS). VII Semana Nacional de Oceanografia, Itajaí, Brazil. p. 76.
CUNHA, S.R.; FIDELMAN, P.I.J.; OLIVEIRA, J.S. & ASMUS, M.L. 1993. Ecological Modelling of Salt Marshes in the Patos Lagoon Estuarine Region, Southern Brazil (Modelagem Ecológica de Pântanos Salgados na Região Estuarina da Lagoa dos Patos, RS). VI Semana Nacional de Oceanografia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
CUNHA, S.R.; FIDELMAN, P.I.J.; OLIVEIRA, J.S. & ASMUS, M.L. 1993. System Analysis of Salt Marshes in the Patos Lagoon Estuarine Region, Southern Brazil, Using Ecological Modelling (Análise Sistêmica de Pântanos Salgados na Região Estuarina da Lagoa dos Patos, RS, Através de Modelagem Ecológica). II Congresso de Iniciacao Cientifica, Pelotas, Brazil. p. 10.
CUNHA, S.R.; FIDELMAN, P.I.J.; OLIVEIRA, J.S.; ASMUS, M.L. & COSTA, C.S.B. 1992. Composition and Biomass Variation in Salt Marshes in the Patos Lagoon Estuarine Region, Southern Brazil (Composição Estrutural e Variação de Biomassa em Marismas da Região Estuarina da Lagoa dos Patos, RS). V Semana Nacional de Oceanografia. p. 14.
MAHER, R., AHMAD, M., FIDELMAN, P., FRANKS, D., FULLER, R., HYLAND, P., JUNIOR, P., KENWAY, S., LY, L., MOLYNEAUX, L., SHARMA, R., SIPE, N., SOCHACKA, B., SOCKHILL, N., WEBSTER-MANNISON, M. 2023. SM Bay City Sustainability Framework: Pathways for achieving sustainability outcomes in Manila Bay. Manila, The Philippines: SM Prime.
TURSCHWELL, M.P., BROWN, C.J., LACHARITÉ, M., MELBOURNE-THOMAS, J., HAYES, K.R., BUSTAMANTE, R.H., DAMBACHER, J.M., EVANS, K., FIDELMAN, P., HATTON MACDONALD, D., VAN PUTTEN, I., LYONS, P., MYNOTT, S., WOOD, G., ABBASSI, R., ABDUSSAMIE, N., BATES, M., BLACKWELL, D., D’ALESSANDRO, S., DUTTON, I., ERICSON, J., FRID, C., MCDOUGALL, C., LEA, M-A., RISSIK, D., TREBILCO, R., ABUNDO, M., FULTON, E.A. 2022. Risks & Opportunities for the Blue Economy, P.4.20.006 – Final Project Report. Blue Economy Cooperative Research Centre.
FROHLICH, M., FIDELMAN, P., DUTTON, I., HAWARD, M., HEAD, B.W., RISSIK, D. & VINCE, J. 2021. Mapping and Analysis of Blue Economy Policy and Legislative Arrangements 5.20.007 – Final Project Report. Blue Economy Cooperative Research Centre. Online.
FIDELMAN, P., SELAME, M., MARON, M. 2021. Key Evaluation Concepts (MERI Project). A report provided to the Queensland Department of Environment and Science.
SELAME, M. MARON, M., KEARNEY, S., FIDELMAN, P. 2021. Addition to Report B: logic for scaling from Program-level to State-wide outcomes, with example mapping of Program contributions to State-wide outcomes. A report provided to the Queensland Department of Environment and Science.
MARON, M., SELAME, M., FIDELMAN, P., SIMMONDS, J., KEARNEY, S. 2021. Report A: feedback/recommendations on MERI conceptual model. A report provided to the Queensland Department of Environment and Science.
LAUBENSTEIN, T., O’DONNELL, T., EVANS, K., FIDELMAN, P., FULTON, B., GILLANDERS, B., HARVEY, N., NAKATA, M., NORMAN, B., NURSEY-BRAY, M., THOM, B., SMITH, T. 2021. Sustainable Oceans and Coasts National Strategy 2021-2030. Canberra, Australia: Future Earth Australia & The Australian Academy of Science. Online.
FROHLICH, M., FIDELMAN, P., DUTTON, I., HAWARD, M., HEAD, B.W., RISSIK, D. & VINCE, J. 2021. Mapping and Analysis of Blue Economy Policy and Legislative Arrangements 5.20.007 – Final Project Report. Blue Economy Cooperative Research Centre. Online.
HOCKINGS, M., JACOBSON, C., FIDELMAN, P., WATSON, J., HEAD, B. 2021. Parks Australia Management Effectiveness Framework: A National Guide to Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Improvement. A report provided to Parks Australia (Commonwealth Government).
JACOBSON, C., HOCKINGS, M., WATSON, J., HEAD, B., FIDELMAN, P. 2021. Review of monitoring, evaluation and reporting approaches and outcomes in Parks Australia. A report provided to Parks Australia.
RISSIK, D., FIDELMAN, P., SHAW, J. 2021. Developing a policy and regulatory research plan for Australia’s emerging blue economy, 5.20.004 – Final Project Report. Blue Economy Cooperative Research Centre.
FIDELMAN, P., HARTLEY, S., MCCALMAN, C. LEDINGHAM, K., HUSSEY, K. 2020. Conservation gene drive governance in Australia. Workshop Report. The University of Queensland & University of Exeter.
FIDELMAN, P., NEWLANDS, M., DOBBS, K., JAGO, M., HUSSEY, K. 2019. Regulatory approvals for RRAP activities & developmental evaluation framework. A report provided to the Great Barrier Reef Foundation. 27 pp.
FIDELMAN, P., NEWLANDS, M., MCGRATH, C., HUSSEY, K. 2019. Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program: Regulatory Assessment Findings. A report provided to the Australian Government by the Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program. 45 pp.
FIDELMAN, P., NEWLANDS, M., MCGRATH, C., HUSSEY, K. 2019. Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program: Regulatory Framework. A report provided to the Australian Government from the Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program. 26 pp.
TAYLOR, B., HUSSEY, K., FIDELMAN, P., VELLA, K., MACLEAN, K., NEWLANDS, M., RITCHIE, B., LOCKIE, S., LACEY, J., MCGRATH, C., BARESI, U., BARBER, M., KOOPMAN, D. 2019. Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program: Engagement and Regulatory Dimensions. A report provided to the Australian Government by the Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program. 22pp.
MEAD, D., BAY, L.K., ANTHONY, K., HUSSEY, K., TAYLOR, B., FIDELMAN, P., MUMBY, P.J., HARRISON, D., GIBBS, M.T., DALY, J., BRYAN, S. 2019. Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program – research and development program. A report provided to the Australian Government from the Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program. 90 pp.
BEYER, H.L., COSTA, M.D.P., DAMBACHER, J., GODDARD, R., HELMSTEDT, K., WILSON, M., FIDELMAN, P., ANTHONY, K. & WILSON, K. 2019. Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program – technical process and detailed findings: decision support findings. A report provided to the Australian Government by the Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program. 93 pp
HUSSEY, K., YARNOLD, J., MCEWAN, C., MAHER, R., HENMAN, P., RADKE, A., CURTIS, C., FIDELMAN, P., VICKERS, C. AND BROLAN, C. 2019. Policy Futures: Regulating the New Economy, Issue 1.view/download
FIDELMAN, P.; TUYEN, T. V.; NONG, K.; NURSEY-BRAY, M. 2015. Supporting Governance Institutions for Adaptive Capacity to Environmental Change. Report to the Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research. 33 pp.view/download
TREML, E.A., BODIN, O., FIDELMAN, P., KININMONTH, S., EKSTROM, J. 2013. Analysing the (Mis)fit between Institutional and Ecological Networks of the Coral Triangle. Report to the WWF-US/USAID Coral Triangle Support Partnership. 25 pp.view/download
SMITH, T., CARTER, B. THOMSEN, D., JACOBSON, C., NURSEY-BRAY, M. MAYES, G., FIDELMAN, P., STEPHENSON, C. MYERS, S., ROSIER, J., BALDWIN, C., KEYS, N., ZAFRIN, S., SIDDIQUE, L., TAWAKE, L., ARANGO, X., VENNING, A., TUNBRIDGE, A. 2012. CSIRO Coastal Collaboration Cluster (Theme 4: Adaptive Learning), Final Report. 130 pp.
EVANS, L. S., FIDELMAN, P., HICKS, C., MORGAN, C., PERRY, A., TOBIN, R. 2011. Limits to Climate Change Adaptation in the Great Barrier Reef: Scoping Ecological, Institutional and Economic Limits. Final report to the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility. 61 pp.view/download
EVANS, L. S., FIDELMAN, P., HICKS, C., PERRY, A., TOBIN, R. 2011. How the Great Barrier Reef and its Industries Can Adapt to Climate Change: Some Scenarios. Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, Fishing and Fisheries Research Centre, and National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility. 28 pp.view/download
FIDELMAN, P.I.J.; FRANK, B.; KECK, MARGARET; MOREIRA, M.M.M.A.; ABERS, R.N.; JOHNSSON, R.M.F. 2008. River Basin Management Committees in Brazil: Perceptions of Committee Members, pp.1-54. In: B. Frank (ed.), Watermark Project: Following the Changes in River Basin Management in Brazil, Volume 2. FURB, Blumenau. (Projeto Marca d’Água: Seguindo as Mudanças na Gestão das Bacias Hidrográficas do Brasil: Caderno 2: Comitês de Bacia sob o Olhar de seus Membros) ISBN: 978-85-7114-177-3.view/download
FIDELMAN, P.I.J. et al. 2002. Preliminary Work Plan for Assessing the Potential Environmental Impacts from Pecem Port Development, Brazil (Plano de Trabalho Preliminar para Avaliação dos Eventuais Danos Ambientais Resultantes da Construção do Complexo Portuário do Pecém, Ceará – Perícia ambiental). Expert Witness Report to the Federal Court.
FIDELMAN, P. I.J. 2001. Preliminary Assessment of the Proposed Location for the Landfill of Itacaré, Bahia, Brazil, with Special Focus on Water Resources (Avaliação Preliminar da Proposta de Localização do “Aterro Sanitário Simplificado” de Itacaré, Bahia, com Ênfase nos Recursos Hídricos). Technical report to the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB).
SCHAEFFER-NOVELLI, Y et al. 1999. Apuração do Valor Econômico de Indenização para Liquidação de Sentença por Arbitramento: N/T Araxá Derramamento de Óleo BTE no Estuário de Santos, Baixada Santista, São Paulo, Brasil [Economic Valuation of the Impact of Oil Spill in Santos Estuary, São Paulo, Brazil. Expert Witness Report for a Court Lawsuit].
Other works
FIDELMAN, P. 2019. There’s a lot of bad news in the UN Global Environment Outlook, but a sustainable future is still possible. The Conversation; online.
FIDELMAN, P.; POWELL, N.; TUYEN, T. V.; NONG, K.; POCH, B.; TE, L. 2014. Supporting Governance Institutions for Adaptive Capacity to Environmental Change. APN Science Bulletin, 4: 121-123.view/download
THOMSEN, D.C., NURSEY-BRAY, M., R W CARTER, R.W., STEPHENSON, C., JACOBSON, C., FIDELMAN, P., SMITH, T.F. 2012. The Adaptive Learning Toolkit, CSIRO Coastal Cluster Project, Online:
THOMSEN, D.C., NURSEY-BRAY, M., R W CARTER, R.W., STEPHENSON, C., JACOBSON, C., FIDELMAN, P., SMITH, T.F. 2012. Adaptive Learning Toolkit: an online resource for improving the practice of coastal organisations, Marine Adaptation Bulletin, 4(3): 3.view/download
FIDELMAN, P. Climate Environmental Problems and Economic Growth. The Broker, Navigating the Anthropocene Blog
FIDELMAN, P. Key Issues on the Earth System Governance Agenda. The Broker, Navigating the Anthropocene Blog, 30 November 2009