I am an Australia-based scholar with an interest in public policy and governance in the context of global environmental change.
I was born and grew up in Brazil where I received a BSc (Hons I) and MSc. I undertook additional academic training in Australia, where I completed a PhD with a focus on institutional analysis of natural resource management at the University of Wollongong.
Since then, I have held academic positions in Brazil and Australia. Currently, I am an Associate Professor and Principal Research Fellow at the Centre for Policy Futures at the University of Queensland, where I served as Acting Director for most of 2021.
I have contributed expertise to several national and international initiatives in my field; this includes serving as theme co-leader (marine and coastal governance) for the Centre for Marine Socioecology, member of the Future Earth Australia Oceans and Coasts National Strategy Expert Working Group, member of the Australia-India Indo Pacific Oceans Initiative Partnership (AIIPOIP) Taskforce for Indo-Pacific Economy, Security and Sustainability, lead author for the UN Global Environment Outlook 6 and coordinating lead author for the Global Environment Outlook 7
On this website, you will find information about my professional experience, including research, publications, teaching and supervision.